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Browsing page 14 of "U" words

up on blocks

  • On her period, out of commission, sexually dysfunctional. For example, due to menstruation or any other problem that would result in not being able to have sex.
    Nah I didn't get any, my girl is up on blocks so she wasn't putting out last night.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Scratchy.... from VA, USA on Feb 11 2002.

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up (one's) alley

  • one's area of expertise.
    This new role is up his alley.

    Last edited on Mar 24 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Mar 24 2010.

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up on things


  • In the know, savvy, in the loop, aware.

    "You know he doesn't know what he's talkin' about, he ain't up on things."

    Last edited on Sep 04 2010. Submitted by Up On Things from Somerville, MA, USA on Sep 04 2010.

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upper hand, the


  • the advantage in a situation.


    Citation from "I Am the Walrus", American Dad! (TV), Season 6 Episode 13 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Nov 28 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Nov 28 2011.

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