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Browsing page 20 of "W" words

weak sauce

  • A condition when someone is extremely not fun. Condition occurs as a result of being passed out or not wanting to go out or have people at his place.
    Tom is weak sauce.

    Last edited on Dec 10 2001. Submitted by Matt C. from Darien, IL, USA on Dec 10 2001.

  • 1. not cool. 2. mediocre, sub-par.
    1. "This party is weak sauce."
    2. "That was a weak sauce effort.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Louis T. from Chicago, IL, USA on May 13 2002.

  • Lacking; not worth one's time or effort.
    This cafe is weak sauce, let's get out of here.

    Last edited on Feb 20 2003. Submitted by Max G. from Martinez, CA, USA on Feb 20 2003.

  • something unpleasant.
    This class is weak-sauce.
    That is a weak-sauce haircut.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Ian J. on Apr 14 2005.

  • wimpy or half ass
    Man you are such a weak sauce.
    That drive was such a weak sauce play.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Kapil K. from San Francisco, CA, USA on Jul 12 2005.


  • a disappointing noun.
    The Lakers are weak sauce this season.

    Last edited on Sep 21 2004. Submitted by Austin c. from Isla Vista, California, USA on Sep 21 2004.

  • a disappointing situation.
    Hey Bob, can you come chill with us?" "No, sorry man. My car broke down and I ended up in Jail." "Oh, weak sauce.

    Last edited on Sep 21 2004. Submitted by Austin c. from Isla Vista, California, USA on Sep 21 2004.


  • an item which is inadequate or disappointing
    This particle board furniture is weak sauce.

    Last edited on Oct 12 2004. Submitted by Lafe W. from Whitewater, Colorado 81527, USA on Oct 12 2004.

  • a poor effort
    Come on, that was weak sauce!

    Last edited on Oct 12 2004. Submitted by Lafe W. from Whitewater, Colorado 81527, USA on Oct 12 2004.

  • Someone who is incompetent.
    You drink liquor well, but I can't because I'm a weak sauce.

    Last edited on Sep 30 2005. Submitted by Chris H. from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Sep 30 2005.

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wear many hats


  • to take on many roles.
    Since I'm the company president, I have to wear many hats at work.

    Last edited on Jun 20 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jun 20 2011.

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wear (one) out


  • the act of having sex with someone for several hours; to demonstrate endurance during sex.
    I'm going to take a gorgeous guy to bed and wear him out.

    Last edited on Feb 05 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 05 2014.

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wear (one's) heart on (one's) sleeve


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wear only a smile


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wear the pants

verb - intransitive

  • to be in charge.


    Citation from "Chapter 11", Eastbound & Down (TV), Season 2 Episode 5 (2010) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Dec 20 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 31 2009.

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  • a devious or sneaky person.
    He's such a weasel.

    Citation from "Baby Monitor", Raising Hope (TV), Season 1 Episode 21 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 24 2011. Submitted by Richard J. from Washington, USA on Nov 13 2002.

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weasel (one's) way


  • to improperly make one's way into.

    Citation from "Bill And Gary's Excellent Adventure", Alphas (TV), Season 1 Episode 6 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Feb 22 2013. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Feb 22 2013.

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