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yuck mouth


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  • unpleasant, disgusting, objectionable.
    Spilling the mayonnaise made a really yucky mess.

    Last edited on Jun 15 2013. Submitted by Alan d. from Ottawa, ON, Canada on May 11 2002.

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yuk it up


  • alternate spelling of yuck it up.

    Citation from "Mother Tucker", Modern Family (TV, 2010), Season 2 Episode 9 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.





    Citation from "Jeu Monegasque", Archer (TV), Season 2 Episode 11 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 10 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 10 2011.

  • yuk it up (not the same as yuck it up which means to mess it up/dirty up or make a mess of grossly) is a verb/an action word

    dates back to probably before my grandparents era (early 1900's)

    to yuk it up means to be ROTFLMAO basically aka joking around or laughing usually more so in the form of chuckling snorting and chortling form or belly aching laughter

    but by know means are the two spellings interchangeable for the meanings are entirely different


    "yuk it up" - to joke/horse around and chuckling/laughter

    For example: We were yukking it up at the comedy club last night. The comedian yukked it up on stage so much, they were rolling in the aisles; think I'm going to go back and yuk it up some more, once I clean this yuck off my face from clowning today. (notice use of both yuk/yuck forms here)

    "yuck it up"- to get messy/dirty/gross or to mess things up

    whether you yucked up your clothes, the room or something else, or are yucking it up as we speak? (2 forms of usage in past and future form in a sentence)

    So...don't yuck up my stuff please, but yuk it up all you please with your friends if you like ... lol

    Last edited on Jan 07 2017. Submitted by Kristi from Santa Monica, CA, USA on Jan 07 2017.

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  • extremely delicious.

    "This dinner is absolutely yumbo!"

    Last edited on Dec 16 2012. Submitted by David McGuigan from Zionsville, IN, USA on Dec 16 2012.

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  • extremely excited description of. Compare with yumbo.

    "Your yumbolicious chicken salad is to die for." "He/She looks yumbolicious!"

    Last edited on Dec 16 2012. Submitted by David McGuigan from Zionsville, IN, USA on Dec 16 2012.

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  • A responding answer or call out to something that is to be desired: such as a person, place, food, or thing.
    Q: Let's take the rest of the week off and go to Cancun for a stint... sound yummy.

    A: Absolutely... yum yum!
    Yum Yum take a look at him, he is living walking proof that God shows off... yummy!
    Yummy... you have to see this... Man take a look at his tie... yum yum!
    Look at all of this good organic food. Just imagine mixing a lil' of this and a lil'... yummy!

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Jane Nazrat from Santiago de Cali, Colombia on Sep 21 2009.


  • exclamation used when food tastes good or looks good. Has come to also be used when one sees something attractive.
    She is yummy.
    Your lips look yummy.
    She is so yummy and sexy.

    Last edited on May 13 2013. Submitted by John M. from Portland, OR, USA on Jun 25 1998.

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yumpin' yimminy

  • exclamation of shock or surprise.

    Last edited on Mar 02 2009. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 02 2009.

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