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Definition of a git

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Other terms relating to 'British, UK slang (list of)':

Definitions include: a person who drinks frequently.
Definitions include: Used on medical charts in the UK to indicate that the patient is an elderly female, due to the possession of a handbag.
Definitions include: A synonym for American, often used in Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
Definitions include: acronym for "can't be arsed".
Definitions include: extremely tired.
Definitions include: annoyed.
Definitions include: to reconnoiter.
Definitions include: a piece of fecal matter; "loaf".
Definitions include: a line of people waiting to receive some service.
Definitions include: A member of a youth subculture which flourished in New Zealand and Australia in the 1950s. Long hair, stovepipe jeans, crepe soled shoes. Similar to British teddy boys
Definitions include: to steal money from an organization of which one is a member; "embezzle".
Definitions include: a penis.
Definitions include: a Briton.
Definitions include: prison or jail.
Definitions include: a small bet or wager.

Other terms relating to 'alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of)':

Definitions include: a $20 bag of marijuana.
Definitions include: to kill via stabbing.
Definitions include: "them".
Definitions include: acronym of "definite doink".
Definitions include: "them".
Definitions include: Misspelling of wiener.
Definitions include: acronym of "all fucked up."
Definitions include: misspelling of "gangsta" which is a colloquial spelling/pronunciation of "gangster".
Definitions include: shortened version of "okay, thanks, bye."
Definitions include: alternate spelling of roofie.
Definitions include: "mayonnaise".
Definitions include: acronym for "brick-and-mortar".
Definitions include: acronym for shout-out.
Definitions include: Standard American English doesn't have a 2nd person plural personal pronoun, so "y'all" is sometimes used to fill this gap.
Definitions include: a "margarita".

Other terms relating to 'to go, leave, exit':

Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to hurry, hustle, esp. when departing.
Definitions include: to accelerate quickly in an automobile, such that the tires don't get traction with the ground and spin freely.
Definitions include: leaving.
Definitions include: to defecate.
Definitions include: To leave, to bust out, to bounce.
Definitions include: to defecate.
Definitions include: to arrive.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: spelling and pronunciation variant of "shake the spot", meaning to leave.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to leave quickly due to fear.
Definitions include: to be leaving.

Other terms relating to 'unintelligent person, idiot':

Definitions include: a derogatory term; "asshole"; "jerk".
Definitions include: stupid or moronic.
Definitions include: an inexperienced person; "green person".
Definitions include: in the manner of a slack-jaw.
Definitions include: a very unintelligent person.
Definitions include: an unintelligent person; "moron".
Definitions include: stupid; useless; dip shit.
Definitions include: something extremely boring, idiotic and/or stupid.
Definitions include: a stupid person.
Definitions include: a stupid person or someone that you don't know and don't like.
Definitions include: a head.
Definitions include: derogatory term; "moron".
Definitions include: an unintelligent person; "moron"; "idiot".
Definitions include: an idiotic or foolish person.
Definitions include: styling.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: wat you up to
Definitions include: an unspecified thing.
Definitions include: wrong, stupid, useless.
Definitions include: 'Maa-veh' is Mirpuri/Pothwari code-word for 'Police'. This word is used by the British Pakistani thugs/road-manz/cuzzy bros whenever they try to warn a fellow cuzzy bro about the police. Instead of shouting out 'Police!' they will shout out 'Maaveh!'
Definitions include: Like "swear to God."
Definitions include: to post vague status updates to the Facebook social networking site.
Definitions include: "laptop".
Definitions include: milk.
Definitions include: a female.
Definitions include: A guy who acts more like a bitch then the bitch do.

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Average of 146 votes: 31%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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[ a git]

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