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Definition of spunky monkeys

spunky monkey


  • a lively person.
    He's a real spunky monkey.

    Last edited on Nov 29 2001. Submitted by Kevin H. from Cedar Rapids, IA, USA on Nov 29 2001.

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Other terms relating to 'monkey':

Definitions include: to be or act totally stupid
Definitions include: very cold.
Definitions include: a silly or ineffectual person.
Definitions include: extremely intoxicated.
Definitions include: a Frenchman.
Definitions include: a person who writes (source) code; "programmer".
Definitions include: a person who has a menial job and who works at a desk.
Definitions include: a funky person.
Definitions include: to care a tiny amount, always used in the negative
Definitions include: to severely injure someone.
Definitions include: a mechanic.
Definitions include: This theorem has been traced to the mathematician E'mile Borel in 1913, and was first popularized by the astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington.
Definitions include: One who cleans up ejaculate at a peepshow.
Definitions include: someone with muscles who looks big and macho.
Definitions include: This describes one who is handy and skilled at stimulating penises.

Other terms relating to 'spunky':

Definitions include: courageous, feisty

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