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Browsing page 30 of "A" words

amateur night


  • Friday and Saturday nights, when a disproportionate number of people are unpleasantly drunk in public.
    I usually avoid going out on Saturday. Saturday is amateur night.

    Last edited on Jul 24 2010. Submitted by Naima W. from Boston, MA, USA on Aug 18 2003.

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  • capable of masturbating with either the left or right hand. From "ambidextrous" + "fap".

    Last edited on Jul 20 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 20 2010.

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American Conservative Christian Party


  • A hypothetical political party that would abolish all abortion, contraceptives and make p*rn illegal.

    Last edited on Jul 14 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 14 2024.

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  • Some 'americunts' believe Mapquest Directions that America is always right without considering the opinions of the world around them.

    Last edited on Oct 21 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 21 2024.


  • Your typical and average American woman in this day and age. They typically have very little class, are rude, and act very unfeminine.
    Is that the 3rd abortion that Kristin has gotten so far!? Why can't she just go and invest in a vibrator!? What a total americunt she is!

    Last edited on Oct 06 2024. Submitted by Ffo Kcuf on Oct 06 2024.

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