The Online Slang Dictionary
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  • to have a crush on, make cow eyes at, etc.
    He's really crunching on her.

    Last edited on May 21 1999. Submitted by JoAnn from Denver, CO, USA on May 21 1999.

  • To defecate.
    Man I have to take a wicked crunch!

    Last edited on Dec 08 2002. Submitted by Dallas H. on Dec 08 2002.

  • Used to describe an auto accident. Also used to describe a wrecked automobile (That car was crunched.)
    We passed a bad crunch on the highway.

    Last edited on Feb 27 2003. Submitted by J. T. from Murrieta, CA, USA on Feb 27 2003.

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  • ugly or nasty.
    He is crunchie.
    That food is crunchie.

    Last edited on Dec 02 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 27 2013.

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  • to do math.

    Citation from "Bye-bye Computer Mouse", The Sacramento Bee, Anna Tong, April 19 2010 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Oct 11 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 09 2009.

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  • exhausted, not well.
    I feel really crunchy.
    • See more words with the same meaning: sick, ill.
    • See more words with the same meaning: tired.

    Last edited on Jul 01 1998. Submitted by Pris from Vero Beach, FL, USA on Jul 01 1998.

  • to feel embarrassed after having done or said something that might cause another person emotional pain or embarrassment. The feeling of "having put one's foot in one's mouth."

    Last edited on Apr 22 1999. Submitted by Geoffrey from San Francisco, CA, USA on Apr 22 1999.

  • hippie-esque; "all-natural". Refers to the crunch of granola, which (as goes the stereotype) hippies are likely to eat.

    Citation from "Brooklyn Without Limits", 30 Rock (TV, 2010), Season 5 Episode 7 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Citation from "The Outsiders", Covert Affairs (TV), Season 2 Episode 6 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Aug 11 2011. Submitted by J.H.T. from Atlanta, GA, USA on Jun 02 1999.

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  • A pair of women's underwear that has been worn for to many days and has accumulated a thick sheet of that white crunchy buildup.
    Bro I was taking a shit earlier and I picked up a pair of your sisters crundies!

    Last edited on Jun 29 2023. Submitted by Pottymouth42 on Jun 26 2023.

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  • extremely fun; exciting; wild.
    That party was so crunk that I didn't want to end.
    Get your party on tonight - we're gonna get it crunk.

    Citation from "Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the U.S. South, 1997-2007", Southern Spaces, Matt Miller censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Mar 30 2010. Submitted by Bernadette from Houston, TX, USA on May 08 1998.

  • angry.
    She got all crunk when she found out her boyfriend had been with another woman.
    I got crunk on Mike when he disrespected me in front of my friends.
    I got all crunk when they stole my weed.

    Last edited on May 13 2013. Submitted by Bernadette from Houston, TX, USA on May 08 1998.

  • excited, hyper; eager to go out and do something. Also crunked up.
    I'm crunk right now - let's go to a party!
    Get crunked up!

    Citation from "Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the U.S. South, 1997-2007", Southern Spaces, Matt Miller censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Mar 30 2010. Submitted by Bernadette from Houston, TX, USA on May 08 1998.

  • crazy.
    That was a crunk-ass movie.

    Citation from "Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the U.S. South, 1997-2007", Southern Spaces, Matt Miller censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Mar 30 2010. Submitted by Angelena D. from NJ, USA on Apr 16 1999.

  • very good, excellent; "cool"; "awesome".
    The baseball game last night was crunk.

    Citation from "Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the U.S. South, 1997-2007", Southern Spaces, Matt Miller censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Mar 30 2010. Submitted by Whitney on Nov 27 1999.

  • a combination of "crazy" and "drunk."
    Last night we got crunk as hell!

    Last edited on Apr 23 2002. Submitted by Heather T. on Apr 23 2002.

  • a combination of "chronic" (marijuana) and "drunk", i.e. under the influence of both marijuana and alcohol.

    Last edited on Nov 08 2004. Submitted by Caroline M. on Nov 08 2004.

noun - uncountable

  • a genre of music that is a fusion of hip hop and electro.

    Citation from "Dirty Decade: Rap Music and the U.S. South, 1997-2007", Southern Spaces, Matt Miller censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 24 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Mar 30 2010.


  • to dance in a particular style.
    Matzi was out on the corner with his homies, crunkin' to some tunes.
    • See more words with the same meaning: to dance.

    Last edited on May 13 2011. Submitted by Sporobolus from Salt Lake City, UT, USA on Jun 16 2005.


  • See also get crunk with (one).

    As of Aug 6 2007, "crunk" was the most-submitted word to The Online Slang Dictionary. It was submitted around 60 separate times. (The spelling "krunk" was submitted 13 times.)

    Over a period of approximately 3 months, the exact same definition text was submitted 13 times. Spelling and grammar errors have been retained:
    The word originated from Justin Timberlake of 'Nsync. The meaning of crunk is multipurposefull. It can mean:

    a good time 'That party was so crunk!', as

    a question 'What the Crunk?!?',

    description of an object 'That is such a crunk babyblue jacket!',

    when one is giving up 'Oh man, just crunk it!',

    to express fondness to another person 'You are the crunkest girl I know.'

    The act of becoming crunk is to be 'crunktified,' but

    losing 'crunkness' results in being 'decrunked.' Once 'decrunked,' if proven worthy,

    one can then 'recrunk' and become crunk again.

    The possibilities are endless.

    I would also like to comment that this is no joke. Millions of people know and could recite the exact sentence above (get yo party...) if asked. In the teenybopper vocabulary, this IS, without a doubt, the most important word. Period.
    The "exact sentence" referenced in the above text is, "Get yo party on tonight we're gonna get it crunk."

    Many submissions (even those which did not use the above text) credited Justin Timberlake of the band NSYNC with coining the term. This is unlikely. See Wikipedia's entry for "crunk" for early uses.

    Last edited on Mar 10 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on May 22 2008.

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  • a person who one has a secret attraction on.
    My crush is so cute!

    Last edited on Dec 13 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 23 1999.

  • a secret attraction.

    Citation from "Try, Try Again", Eureka (TV), Season 2 Episode 2 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Dec 13 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Nov 29 2010.

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crush on

verb - transitive

  • to have romantic interest in; "have a crush on".
    She was crushing on Tony.
    I was crushing on Derek.
    I have a crush on randy, he's awesome and sweet.

    Last edited on Dec 03 2016. Submitted by K from DC, USA on Feb 27 2003.

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