The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 96 of "C" words

concrete swirly

  • a severely one-sided beating. Extremely embarrassing to the recipiant, but amusing to all who watch.
    Robert made fun of Zach's molester mustache, so Zach gave Robert a concrete swirly.

    Last edited on May 13 2011. Submitted by ajax b. from San Diego, CA, USA on Oct 04 2002.

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  • to gaslight via conditional statements or conditionals or cond(s)

    Last edited on Jun 28 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28 2024.

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  • fellatio.
    Would you like some cone tonight?
    Come over here and give me cone.

    Last edited on Aug 21 2013. Submitted by Joe D. from North Plainfield, NJ, USA on Oct 20 2007.


  • an idiot; cunt.

    Last edited on Nov 10 2014. Submitted by Chuck S. on Nov 10 2014.

  • a junkie.

    Last edited on Nov 10 2014. Submitted by Chuck S. on Nov 10 2014.

  • a breast, or nipple, usually referred to as cone-shaped.

    Last edited on Nov 10 2014. Submitted by Chuck S. on Nov 10 2014.

  • a person/athlete/player who is bad at playing a particular sport/game, having skills like that of a road cone.

    Last edited on Nov 10 2014. Submitted by Chuck S. on Nov 10 2014.


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cone of shame


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cone of silence


  • a metaphorical area in which secrets are spoken, and outside of which those secrets are not spoken.
    Friend 1: I just heard something scandalous. I'll tell you, but cone of silence, okay?

    Friend 2: Okay.

    Last edited on Oct 02 2021. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 02 2021.

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  • When situations include conflict AND drama.

    "Our different perspectives on this issue created a lot of conflama for all involved."

    Last edited on Feb 19 2010. Submitted by Steve from Boulder, CO, USA on Feb 19 2010.

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  • to act as of one being slow or off for no reason

    Last edited on Sep 11 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 11 2013.

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  • all screwed up.
    My computer got a virus and is all confuckulated.
    • See more words with the same meaning: broken.

    Last edited on Dec 01 2001. Submitted by Dennis G. from Sacramento, CA, USA on Dec 01 2001.

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