The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 9 of "G" words



  • The word bitch comes from the Norse for female predator. The word for male predator is garm, also the name of the Norse version of Cerberus. A male dog should be a garm.
    Garm is synonymous with dogo, but they are not isonymous since garm is a colder variant than dogo.

    Last edited on Jul 09 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on May 30 2019.

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  • clothes
    I got ma self some new garms yesterday.

    Last edited on May 23 2004. Submitted by Edward w. from Leicester, UK on May 23 2004.

noun - plural

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  • Garments, clothing .

    I need to buy some new gamz.

    Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 24 2012.

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Garp on


  • This is to expel mouth contents upon an object. Compare to spittle.
    Sorry to garp on the floor, squire!

    Last edited on Nov 23 2016. Submitted by Dr. P.D. Fisher on Nov 23 2016.

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  • anus. From an episode of Southpark.
    That girl takes it in the Gary.
    Yeah, I got her in the Gary last night.
    Keep talkin' like that and I'll give it to ya in the Gary.
    • See more words with the same meaning: anus.

    Last edited on Nov 09 2007. Submitted by Shawn L. on Nov 09 2007.

  • Anus. From Cockney Rhyming Slang "Gary Glitter" / Shitter. Glitter was a famous glam rock star in the 1970s (and later a convicted paedophile)

    Last edited on Jun 13 2022. Submitted by Anonymouse from Westminster, London, UK on Jun 13 2022.

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  • when you do not care about something. acronym of "give a shit."

    Last edited on Mar 03 2000. Submitted by Emily from Melbourne, VIC, Australia on Mar 03 2000.

  • To become amused or laugh very hard.
    He looked so stupid, I couldn't stop gassin' .

    Last edited on Nov 26 2001. Submitted by Eric S. from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Nov 26 2001.

  • A good time
    We had a gas at the dance.

    Last edited on Nov 26 2004. Submitted by Joe T. on Nov 26 2004.

  • something wildly impressive
    Whether the film of the airshow was real or not, watching the tricks was a gas!

    Last edited on Nov 26 2004. Submitted by Joe T. on Nov 26 2004.


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  • gaslighting by overexaggerating or overstating.

    Last edited on Jun 07 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 07 2024.

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gas grass or ass

  • The theme of American freedom. Nobody rides free.

    Last edited on Sep 26 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 26 2014.

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gas guzzler


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