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Browsing page 4 of "H" words
hail damage
- cellulite. Origin: the "pitted" appearance of cellulite is similar to the appearance of damage caused by hail.
That chick's got some nasty hail damage!
- See more words with the same meaning: fat (part of anatomy).
Last edited on Feb 21 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 28 2002.
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Hai Linh
- A Kaylee is a sassy, classy, beautiful, intelligent female. People who befriend Kaylees become better just for having met her. Her awesomeness is contagious and her smile is infectious. Kaylees are all that other woman hope to be. They are usually very accomplished and well rounded, good singers, dancers and writers. They are creative and assertive; unafraid to fight for what they want.
Person 1: Man, that girl is a boss, she really knows what she wants! Person 2: Well yeah! That girl's a kaylee!
Last edited on Mar 30 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 30 2020.
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Hail Mary
- the occurrence of telling a woman that one has accidentally gotten pregnant that one loves her and to convince her that having an abortion will be the best thing for the relationship. He also does not want to get married to her. So he does a Hail Mary. Once the abortion is done, then the guy is free to dump her without fear of owing child support.
I didn't want her to have the baby so I did a Hail Mary.
Last edited on Nov 01 2018. Submitted by Rich B. from East Coast Dr, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233, USA on Jan 10 2003.
- A last-minute attempt to score a game-winning point in a game such as basketball or football. The attempt is made just as the game time runs out, and everybody just watches and prays that the point is scored and that it's good.
- See more words with the same meaning: to attempt, try.
Last edited on Aug 24 2009. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 24 2009.
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- he ain't
Last edited on Sep 02 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 02 2024.
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- a disliked person; "loser"; "dirtbag".
Get away from us you hairbag!
- See more words with the same meaning: uncool person, jerk, asshole (general insults - list of).
Last edited on Jul 15 2013. Submitted by Gary M. from Charlotte, NC, USA on Oct 21 1999.
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hair band
- a glam metal band. Members often wore their hair long and teased-up.
- See more words with the same meaning: music (related to).
Last edited on Sep 02 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 03 2009.
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hairbrush treatment
noun - uncountable
- spanking.
Buffy's back-talk earned her a good dose of the hairbrush treatment.
- See more words with the same meaning: to hit, punch, slap.
Last edited on Apr 23 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 03 2016.
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hair burger
- the vulva, especially if unshaven.
Ugh. That girl needs to cover her hair burger.
- See more words with the same meaning: vulva ('vagina'), female genitalia.
Last edited on Dec 12 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 11 2009.
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hair farmer
- a person who grows their hair long out of laziness, or a repressed sense of social rebellion.
You're starting to look like a hair farmer, dude. Get that cut off.
Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Russ N. from Milwaukee, WI, USA on Mar 21 2002.
- some self-identified hair farmers do so for a charitable reason, e.g. to donate to organizations who help children suffering from medical hair loss. See TheHairFarmer.com.
Last edited on Oct 23 2008. Submitted by Hair Farmer Joe on Oct 23 2008.
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hair of the dog
- a drink of alcohol in the morning - of the same type one was drinking the previous night - to ward off or stop a hangover.
Is there any beer left? I need some hair of the dog.
- See more words with the same meaning: alcohol.
Last edited on Sep 23 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 31 2009.
- From the phrase "hair of the dog that bit (one)."
Last edited on Sep 23 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 31 2009.
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