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Browsing page 41 of "L" words
- extremely drunk.
This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.Last edited on Jun 28 2014. Submitted by crismaerica on Sep 20 2010.
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- a pick-up line.
Citation from "The Fight", Parks and Recreation (TV), Season 3 Episode 13 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.- See more words with the same meaning: flirting, hit on, pimp, player, wing-man.
Last edited on Aug 01 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 09 2009.
- a single "serving" of a powder drug (especially cocaine,) arranged in a line for snorting.
Make a line and let's snort this yay.
Citation from "Chapter 13", Eastbound & Down (TV), Season 2 Episode 7 (2010) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.- See more words with the same meaning: drugs.
Last edited on Jan 13 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 09 2009.
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- a female who is masculine and muscularly built.
She's such a linebacker.
Last edited on May 06 2014. Submitted by Jon S. from Niskayuna, NY, USA on May 10 1998.
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line of work
- profession.
You make $200,000 a year?! I guess I'm in the wrong line of work.
- See more words with the same meaning: a job.
Last edited on Dec 07 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jan 08 2010.
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Linguistical English
- a variant of english developed in order to better incorporate elements of linguistics into common speech for the purpose of convenience.
Subsuffix English is a variant of this variant, some of the subsuffixes it uses are listed below: === Verbs ===
'''-s''' third person singular simple present indicative active '''-ed''' past tense '''-en''' past participle '''-t''' past tense (weak irregular) '''-ing''' present participle and gerund '''-een''' past participle (irregular)Continuation of last example: === Nouns ===
'''-s''' plural number '''-aen''' plural number (irregular)
=== Adjectives and adverbs ===
'''-ar''' [[Comparative syntax in English|comparative] degree '''-ast''' superlative degree
== Derivation == [[Derivation (linguistics)|Deriva suffixes can be divided into two categories: class-changing derivation and class-maintaining derivation.<ref>Jack and Amvela (2000): ''Word, Meaning and Vocabulary; An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology''. London, Athenaeum Press, p. 88</ref> In English, they include '''[[wikt:-able|-abl (usually changes verbs into adjectives) v.adj -able v.adj.c.soft -cible v.adj.g.soft -gible v.adj.instrumental -ible.Continuation 2 of example 1: '''-al' /'''-ual (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj [[-al n.adj.latinate -eal n.adj.latinate.ali -ual '''[[wikt:-ant|-ant] (usually changes verbs into nouns, often referring to a human agent) v.n.agent.human '''[[wikt:-ess|-ess] (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) n.fem [-ess] '''[[wikt:-ful|-ful] (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj.whole/nonparti (all of noun fits with the adjective) n.adj.whole -fol n.adj.nonpartial -fial '''-fy' (usually changes nouns into verbs) n.v.nonpartial -fy '''[[wikt:-hood|-hoo (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) n.condition -cond n.group.statius.spec -houd.
Continuation 3 of example 1:
'''[[Wikt:-ise|-ise] (usually changes nouns into verbs) ise: n.v.quality -isqe ise: n.v.function -isfe ize: n.v.similative -izse '''[[wikt:-ish|-ish] (usually changes nouns into adjectives/class-mai with the word class remaining an adjective) n.a.typical-of -isht n.a.similar-to -ishs n.a.being-like -ishb '''[[wikt:-ism|-ism] (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) n.ise.action -aism n.ise.process -ismp n.ise.result -ismr n.ise.result.doctrin -ismrd n.ise.result.ideolog -ismri n.ise.name.result -ismrp n.ise.name.school -ismsc n.ise.name.school.th -ismt n.ise.name.school.sy -ismsy n.ise.name.school.th -ismth n.ise.name.tendenc -ismte n.ise.name.tenden -ismta n.ise.name.tenden -ismtb n.ise.name.tenden -ismtc n.ise.name.tenden -ismto n.ise.name.tenden -ismtsta n.ise.countable -ismc n.ise.countable.pecu -ismcp n.ise.countable.char -ismcc n.ise.ideology -ismi n.ise.ideology.belie -ismsu n.ise.condition -ismc n.ise.condition.synd -ismcsyn n.ise.condition.dise -ismdi n.ise.condition.diso -ismd n.ise.condition.defe -ismde n.ise.condition.addi -ismad n.ise.method -ismme n.ise.doctrine -ismdc n.ize.action -aizm n.ize.process -izmp n.ize.result -izmr.Continuation 4 of example 1:
'''[[wikt:-ist|-ist] (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) subsuffixes adjacent to -ism. '''[[wikt:-ity|-ity] (usually changes adjectives into nouns) adj.n.latinate '''[[wikt:-less|-les (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj.lacking -leas '''[[wikt:-like|-lik (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj.resembling '''[[wikt:-logy|-log (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) n.adj.branch -logb n.adj.speech -losp n.adj.narrative -logn n.adj.discourse.lega -lodl '''-ly' (usually changes adjectives into adverbs, but also some nouns into adjectives) adj.adv '''[[wikt:-ment|-men (usually changes verbs into nouns) v.n. '''[[wikt:-ness|-nes (usually changes adjectives into nouns) adj.n.native adj.n.resembling '''[[wikt:-oid|-oid] (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj.resembling.Continuation 5 of example 1:
v.n.action.v -tion v.n.process -ion v.n.statius -sion v.n.state -stion v.n.condition -cion v.n.quality -ation v.n.state or quality -isation '''-um' (usually) museum; stadium; auditorium; aquarium; planetarium; medium obj. -um n.sg.latinate -eum n.ucn.element -ium '''[[wikt:-wise|-wis From wse ("manner, way, condition, direction") adv.manner -mwise adv.way -wayse adv.condition -cwise adv.direction -dwise.Last edited on Dec 08 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 13 2024.
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Citation from "Oxford Word of the Year 2008: Hypermiling", Oxford University Press Blog, November 10 2008 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.Last edited on May 26 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on May 05 2010.
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link farm
- a website with little or no content, consisting of mostly (or entirely) links to other websites.
Search engines do their best to weed out link farms from search results.
- See more words with the same meaning: computer slang.
Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 26 2009.
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- the process by which links on the World Wide Web stop functioning, because the target of the link no longer exists.
Last edited on Oct 03 2009. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 03 2009.
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link rot
noun - uncountable
- the breakage of links on the web as their targets disappear.
We need to update our "Resources" page. It's suffering from link rot.
- See more words with the same meaning: computer slang.
Last edited on Nov 11 2011. Submitted by WalterGR (via TheJargonFile) on Aug 14 2009.
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- a meal between lunch and dinner.
Citation from Sarah Lee bagels wrapper, 2010 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.- See more words with the same meaning: contractions (list of).
- See more words with the same meaning: food and drink (related to).
Last edited on Jul 11 2010. Submitted by Bean on Oct 24 2002.
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