The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 31 of "T" words


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temperature taking


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Tenacious D


  • An awesome band that has Jack Black in it.
    Tenacious D is awesome.

    Last edited on Mar 03 2020. Submitted by Twila from Salem, MA, USA on Mar 03 2020.

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  • suffix indicating a tendency or habit.

    Last edited on Jun 15 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 15 2024.

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ten-dollar word


  • a longer or less-common word used in place of a shorter or more-common word.

    Citation from CNN censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Aug 14 2019. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 14 2019.

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Tennessee white snake

  • penis.
    My Tennessee white snake has been busy.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Jason B. from Nashville, TN, USA on Dec 02 1999.

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