The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 29 of "T" words

Teena Marie

  • Used in the gay club community in Toronto to refer to a female who looks like she's wasted on alcohol or drugs, or in a more vague sense, just looks rough. Also can reference anything that is sloppy, messy or poorly put together.

    Derived from the name of '80s pop singer Teena Marie, but also references slang for crystal meth, also known as Tina. Also lightly references music star Rick James, a known for his drug troubles, of whom Marie was a protegee.

    Alternate spelling "Tina Marie"

    That girl is so Teena Marie tonight.
    Oh no, she's Tina'ing out.

    Last edited on Jan 20 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 20 2010.

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  • a teenager.
    A lot of teeners hang out at that coffee shop now.

    Last edited on Oct 25 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 25 2011.

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  • slang used by teenagers. From "teenager" + "English".
    'she's like totally old ... like 25 and still talks teenglish to impress us duh.

    Last edited on Mar 15 2018. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 03 2009.

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  • a (usually female) teenager who follows popular trends.

    Last edited on Sep 21 2009. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 21 2009.

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tee off


  • to begin.

    Last edited on Aug 25 2010. Submitted by Anonymous from Danvers, MA, USA on Jul 14 2004.

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