The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 73 of "W" words



  • an erection.
    I got wood.
    Girl, you're so hot you're giving me wood.
    Bob's been talking to that blonde so long that he's now packin' wood.
    Girl, come over here and get some of this wood.

    Last edited on May 05 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 26 2000.

  • a white person. Possibly from peckerwood.

    Last edited on Feb 07 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 03 2012.

  • another word for drugs, usually referred to weed, or marijuana.

    Last edited on Dec 05 2014. Submitted by Chuck S. on Dec 05 2014.

verb - transitive

  • when a person gets pummeled in a fight
    Yo, Barrett got so wooded!
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Jul 22 2012. Submitted by Sean B. from Dallas, TX, USA on May 17 2007.

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  • North country white trash. Origin: alcoholics who planned to build their own homes but never got past the basement where they live out the rest of their lives.
    A bunch of woodchucks live there.

    Last edited on Feb 26 2000. Submitted by Diane M. from Little Falls, NY, USA on Feb 26 2000.

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Wooden kimono


  • Coffin, casket

    "Joey got hit,he's wearing a wooden kimono now."

    Last edited on Oct 19 2016. Submitted by PI Joe on Oct 19 2016.

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wood pecker

  • Referring to a gay man who sucks another mans penis

    Last edited on Mar 15 2019. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 15 2019.

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wood shampoo

  • to strike someone over the head with a baseball bat or billy club.
    Those cops gave him a wood shampoo.

    Last edited on Jan 31 2002. Submitted by chris from San Francisco, CA, USA on Jan 31 2002.

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  • a person who never got over Woodstock or the 1960's in general. Often perma-fried.
    He is such a woodstuck.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Jewels D. from Pordenone (Friuli-Venezia Giulia), Italy on Aug 12 1998.

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  • An Erection.
    I've got a bit ole woody waiting for her.

    Last edited on Jun 18 1999. Submitted by David S. from Seattle, WA, USA on Jun 18 1999.

  • a male's erection
    Ashley gives me a woody.

    Last edited on Apr 10 2004. Submitted by Zay T. from Savannah, GA, USA on Apr 10 2004.

  • a type of Ford Station wagon with real wood inlays on the sides to make it look rustic

    Last edited on Dec 01 2005. Submitted by Sharon J. from Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA on Dec 01 2005.

  • Pre-1960's station wagon (not necessarily only a Ford) with actual wood doors and roof, or actual wood panels applied to body metal. Not fake wood. 1960s slang.
    Eddie Haskell purchased a Woody to look cool.

    Last edited on Jan 06 2010. Submitted by Dan Balicki from Central Coast, CA, USA on Mar 06 2008.


  • an American Lincoln one cent piece with imperfect alloying, making it appear wood-grained.

    "Cool 1955 Woody!"

    Last edited on Jan 05 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 31 2011.

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woody wagon

  • a type of Ford Station wagon with real wood inlays on the sides to make it look rustic

    Last edited on Dec 01 2005. Submitted by Sharon J. from Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA on Dec 01 2005.

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  • depending on the inflection of the tone it can mean anything from wow to sexy, hot, intense.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Kent M from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Dec 31 1997.

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  • term used for a bad smell.
    Woofer, what stinks?

    Last edited on Mar 21 2011. Submitted by Kelly from Australia on Jun 13 1999.


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