The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 76 of "W" words

word is bond

  • that's true or true that... or I'm telling the truth.
    Those shoes are tha bomb... word is bond!

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by cris from CA, USA on Dec 14 1997.

  • an assertion that one is speaking the truth.

    Last edited on Sep 04 2003. Submitted by tony on Sep 04 2003.

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  • Like "swear to God."
    Wordlife he's cheating on you!

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Chelle on Apr 11 2002.

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word on the street, the


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verb - transitive

  • to change the phrasing of a piece of text.
    I still think the new ad copy needs a bit of wordsmithing.

    Last edited on May 12 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on May 12 2011.

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word to my mother


  • Similar to "Swear to god", letting people know you are serious.
    Yo man, I'm serious, word to my mother!

    Last edited on Sep 06 2010. Submitted by Digital (BoPPo) from New England, ND, USA on Jan 13 2000.

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word to your mother


  • A phrase used upon departure...
    I'm leaving, word to your mother!

    Last edited on Sep 06 2010. Submitted by Emily M. from UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA on Feb 29 2000.

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word up

  • listen to me.
    Word up boys, its goin' down tonight.

    Last edited on Jan 08 2000. Submitted by Anonymous from New York, NY, USA on Jan 08 2000.

  • saying hello
    Word up bro.

    Last edited on Dec 11 2001. Submitted by my c. on Dec 11 2001.

  • agreement

    Last edited on May 25 2004. Submitted by Anonymous on May 25 2004.

  • Speaking or writing the truth. Seriousness. Not joking.
    I love a cloudy summer day, word up!

    Last edited on Oct 17 2004. Submitted by Mary from Minnesota, USA on Oct 17 2004.

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word up to your mother


  • "Word up to your mother" means "damn right it's the truth". "Word up" means "damn right" and "word to your mother" means "in agreement with the truth". The origin of "your mother" being a reference to the motherland of Africa. "Word up to your mother" is used within the context of endorsing what another person has said.

    Last edited on Aug 27 2021. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 27 2021.


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word, yo

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