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Definition of gs

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of)':

Definitions include: "your".
Definitions include: acronym for "what you doing" i.e. "what are you doing".
Definitions include: acronym for "be back later".
Definitions include: acronym for "just out of curiosity".
Definitions include: acronym for "adult baby".
Definitions include: acronym for "good game."
Definitions include: acronym for "let me know".
Definitions include: "serious".
Definitions include: acronym for "my life is great".
Definitions include: acronym for "no good".
Definitions include: acronym for "Estimated Time of Arrival."
Definitions include: acronym for "I think I'm going [to] be sick" or "I think I'm gonna be sick".
Definitions include: acronym for "on my God, what the fuck."
Definitions include: acronym for "rolling on floor laughing my ass off".
Definitions include: acronym for "eat shit and die".

Other terms relating to 'criminal, hooligan, gangster, gangsta':

Definitions include: any football player who played for the Florida State University football team (the Seminoles) and was convicted of a crime.
Definitions include: an undesirable person - usually one who is without morals or decency.
Definitions include: acronym of "original gangsta" meaning an older gangsta.
Definitions include: a criminal.
Definitions include: a derogatory term for females, implying promiscuity.
Definitions include: to pretend, feign.
Definitions include: a person who has not had their first kiss or has never French kissed.
Definitions include: a tough person or rebel.
Definitions include: a person who smuggles undocumented aliens across the Mexico-US border into the United States, usually for a fee.
Definitions include: a younger punk who is homeless or pretends to be homeless.
Definitions include: woman.
Definitions include: to drive around in a vehicle for fun; "joy ride".
Definitions include: friend.
Definitions include: a clique of people.
Definitions include: an unattractive female, usually due to obesity.

Other terms relating to 'drugs':

Definitions include: low-quality marijuana.
Definitions include: coffee.
Definitions include: a pill of the benzodiazepine Xanax.
Definitions include: an exclamation of happiness.
Definitions include: A marijuana cigarette, a joint.
Definitions include: an ounce.
Definitions include: marijuana.
Definitions include: a pick-up line.
Definitions include: a marijuana cigarette; "joint".
Definitions include: offensive speech about another person.
Definitions include: the remains of a smoked marijuana cigarette.
Definitions include: prescription cough syrup, often mixed with Sprite.
Definitions include: coffee.
Definitions include: Crack-cocaine, or crank.
Definitions include: poor quality Marijuana.

Other terms relating to 'friend, friends':

Definitions include: "Internet BFF", i.e. "Internet Best Friend(s) Forever".
Definitions include: form of address for a female used by a close friend.
Definitions include: an extremely close friendship between or amongst men.
Definitions include: a friend.
Definitions include: a best friend; "sidekick"; "partner in crime".
Definitions include: Good or close friend.
Definitions include: homie.
Definitions include: alternate pronunciation of bro.
Definitions include: One's good and trusted friend.
Definitions include: a friend.
Definitions include: a friend.
Definitions include: friend; "dude".
Definitions include: "brother", as in one's actual brother.
Definitions include: one of your good buddies that is also a neighbor, or a neighbor that you become tight with.
Definitions include: affectionate form of address or reference for one's significant other.

Other terms relating to 'money':

Definitions include: to have gas money.
Definitions include: a person who has not had their first kiss or has never French kissed.
Definitions include: ten pounds sterling.
Definitions include: an insignificant amount of money.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: money in general.
Definitions include: worth 1,000,000 units of a currency to just below 10,000,000 units.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: an excessive amount of money.
Definitions include: counterfeit money.
Definitions include: a large amount of money.
Definitions include: unattractive.
Definitions include: worth 100,000 units of a currency to just below 1,000,000 units.
Definitions include: the main source of income for a business.

Other terms relating to 'to smile':

Definitions include: to smile widely, with teeth.
Definitions include: to smile.
Definitions include: a smile that lasts for a long time, despite any negative occurrences.
Definitions include: to smile very wide.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'g':

Definitions include: a "gin and tonic" drink.
Definitions include: trendy poser into backstreet boys-type music.
Definitions include: to keep your mouth shut and mind your own business.
Definitions include: to show disrespect towards someone or when someone steals something from you.
Definitions include: someone who is trying to look like a gangsta
Definitions include: One's good and trusted friend.
Definitions include: a shortened term for "Glendale".
Definitions include: a bar.
Definitions include: to make something up, usually make a small thing (an object) or even an excuse (like a lie), out of stuff that is around, or just make it up...
Definitions include: a US government agent, e.g. FBI agent.
Definitions include: $1000
Definitions include: shortened form of "general population".
Definitions include: "gangster rap".
Definitions include: Stolen car
Definitions include: Gangsta Unit, G-unit is also the name of a rapper, 50 Cent often uses this term in his songs

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Average of 135 votes: 35%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">gs</a>

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[ gs]

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