The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 159 of "B" words


  • bull shit, for people who are tired of saying bull-shit.
    • See more words with the same meaning: feces.

    Last edited on May 16 2002. Submitted by The D. on May 16 2002.

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  • not very smart; thick; dense; stupid. Used for someone who's a know-it-all trying to act cool but not "with it"; not current.
    Person 1: CIRCUS Disco is the club to be seen at.

    Person 2: Really bullwinkle? It was torn down three years ago.
    Bull penis or bull urine.

    Last edited on Sep 08 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 02 2017.


  • to get screwed, scammed, betrayed, deceived.

    The accuracy of this definition cannot be verified. Without further evidence, this definition may be deleted. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Feb 26 2018. Submitted by Peter T. from Brisbane QLD, Australia on Jan 22 2007.

  • to get completely messed up by a wave.

    The accuracy of this definition cannot be verified. Without further evidence, this definition may be deleted. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Feb 26 2018. Submitted by Peter T. from Brisbane QLD, Australia on Jan 22 2007.

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bully van


  • a paddy wagon.
    Look at that bully van. Something really bad must have happened.
    Oh no, there's a bully van. Run!

    Last edited on Aug 20 2012. Submitted by Anonymous-trapperrrr. on Jun 17 2012.

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bum bag


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