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Browsing page 20 of "B" words


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  • Bamma quaint southern substitute for the names grandma, Nanna, nanny or Nana. "My Bamma sent me 20 bucks for my birthday"

    Last edited on Nov 11 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11 2015.


  • a person from a rural area; uncool person. Likely a shortened form of "Alabama," a southern state in the US.
    That Sissy character from down south is a real bamma.

    Last edited on Nov 11 2013. Submitted by Demetrius Scruggs from FL, USA on Dec 22 1997.

  • a person who dresses or acts outside of the norm, as if possibly from a rural area.
    Look at that bamma over there!

    Last edited on Mar 29 2004. Submitted by Vidamo J. on Mar 29 2004.

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  • of low quality.

    Last edited on Sep 06 2010. Submitted by Brian from Michigan, USA on Feb 08 2005.

noun - uncountable

  • ghetto slang for bad marijuana
    He just sold us bammer.
    • See more words with the same meaning: marijuana.

    Last edited on Sep 06 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 28 2002.

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  • this is what you say when it's Bamurien's fault(which is always)
    Bamnit, you all can't raid for shit.

    Last edited on Aug 20 2014. Submitted by Bolin on Aug 20 2014.

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  • everyone believing Bamurien and following his strategies (that makes them Bamtards) can also be used other ways like looking at a group or raid that wiped because they were following a Bammed strategy and bammed it up and died'/ See Also "Bamnit"
    You bunch of bamtards need to straighten the fuck up and listen.

    Last edited on Aug 20 2014. Submitted by Bolin on Aug 20 2014.

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  • a penis.
    Check out this guy's banana.

    Last edited on Dec 14 2013. Submitted by Chuck S. on Dec 14 2013.

  • an Americanized Asian person; "an Asian person who acts white." From the colors of a banana: "yellow on the outside and white on the inside." Offensive.
    Ning came to the states with very traditional Chinese values, but capitalism has turned him into a total banana.

    Last edited on Aug 30 2018. Submitted by Lmgtfy on Aug 11 2018.

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