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Browsing page 105 of "D" words



  • perchance, you find a stupid little fuck and you cant discern their zodiac, they are to be known as duducorns.
    I talked to her last night, and she seemed like a total duducorn.

    Last edited on Sep 02 2023. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 02 2023.

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dueche bag


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  • You're the duff. There is always a duff in every click. A duff is the designated ugly fat friend of every group. Many people go to them to get information about their hot friend or friends because they are more approachable.

    Last edited on Jul 12 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 12 2015.


  • worthless, poor quality, undesirable

    Last edited on Jun 17 2003. Submitted by Dylan H. from Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK on Jun 17 2003.



  • acronym for Doing the Ugly Fat Friend. The duff (almost always female) is the gate-keeper whose job it is to prevent her cute friend from getting laid. It is the responsibility of the "wingman" to preoccupy the duff by duffing her if necessary.
    I see a fine babe, but she's got an ugly ass friend... hey wingman it's your turn to duff.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Nov 26 2011. Submitted by SCHUYLER K. from Santa Clara, CA, USA on Aug 06 2007.

  • to be hit in the neck with the elbow

    Last edited on Oct 04 2010. Submitted by miz thang01602 from Worcester, MA, USA on Oct 04 2010.

  • Stealing cattle or sheep

    That bloke(friend)there was caught duffing,Yeah bastard is like'es mate a cattle duffer too'.

    Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 24 2012.

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  • To describe a young toddler, who is a bit clumsy as they try to get the hang of walking and use of fine motor skills; "look at that cute little duffer, trying to figure out how to work the tv remote"

    Last edited on Mar 13 2018. Submitted by Rebekah Chandler on Mar 13 2018.


  • a person who steals cattle or sheep.
    That bloke there was caught duffing. Yeah, bastard is like 'es mate: a cattle duffer too.

    Last edited on Aug 25 2013. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 24 2012.

  • a person who is silly, stupid, foolish, useless.
    Can't do a thing right! Yer a real duffer.

    Last edited on Aug 25 2013. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 24 2012.

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dug out


  • a derogatory term dealing with a promiscuous female.
    The whole football team has had sex with her. She is really dug out.

    Last edited on Jul 17 2011. Submitted by Charles G. from Trinity University, USA on Dec 17 2001.


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duh factor, the

noun - uncountable

  • "duh", "oh my gosh", "blonde moment", "brain fart".
    He's is feeling the duh factor and is probably asking, "Why didn't I think of that?"

    Last edited on Aug 08 2013. Submitted by Matthew W. from Florida, USA on Mar 15 2008.

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