The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 22 of "D" words


  • a woman's pot-belly, specifically from below belly-button to lower hips. Often found in those who eat too much cheese, and don't do enough sit-ups. Midwest slang?
    Her derb really helps those skirts stay up!

    Last edited on Oct 05 1998. Submitted by Dorothy H. from USA on Oct 05 1998.

  • To give a blow-job, head, suck a dick...
    She derbed him last night.

    Last edited on Feb 20 2003. Submitted by Katie a. from Larkin High School, Elgin, IL 60123, USA on Feb 20 2003.

  • a blow job. Oral sex performed on a man.
    She gave him a derb last night.

    Last edited on Sep 05 2003. Submitted by Jessica from Chicago, IL, USA on Sep 05 2003.

  • a guy who smokes marijuana and beer than becomes the life of the party.

    "That derb smoked some bad curb hurb"

    Last edited on Jun 15 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 15 2011.

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derb squad

  • a group of girls who go outdoors, drink alcohol, and then perform fellatio on anyone.
    Derb squad attacked last night.

    Last edited on May 31 2016. Submitted by Katie a. from Larkin High School, Elgin, IL 60123, USA on Feb 20 2003.

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  • perineum; "chode".
    You can lick my derf, dickhead.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Nov 30 2011. Submitted by julius f. from Memphis, TN, USA on Jan 07 1999.

  • an unintelligent person.

    Last edited on Nov 30 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 30 2011.


  • to ditch.

    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Nov 30 2011. Submitted by Brian K. from Onondaga Hill, New York, USA on Oct 02 2004.

  • to abandon.
    Fred derfed the campaign.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Nov 30 2011. Submitted by Brian K. from Onondaga Hill, New York, USA on Oct 02 2004.

verb - intransitive

  • To fall abruptly or clumsily The mail carrier DERFED on the icy sidewalk

    Last edited on Jan 03 2015. Submitted by SCMosher on Jan 03 2015.

verb - transitive

  • To cause to fall down The rusher completely DERFED the quarterback. Syn: trip, topple, knock down, face plant

    Last edited on Jan 03 2015. Submitted by SCMosher on Jan 03 2015.

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  • cigarette.
    Can I bum a derm?

    Last edited on Dec 30 1998. Submitted by Mark B. from Denver, CO, USA on Dec 30 1998.

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  • interjection in response to an unintelligent comment. Also "herp derp".
    Person A: The earth is only 6000 years old.

    Person B: derp.

    Last edited on Sep 06 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 06 2010.

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  • decent
    I had a dese time tonight. how 'bout you.

    Last edited on Jun 17 2006. Submitted by T.J. on Jun 17 2006.

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desert bat

  • a very unattractive female.
    She is a desert bat.

    Last edited on Aug 22 2013. Submitted by chea w. from Houston, TX, USA on Mar 07 2003.

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