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Browsing page 19 of "E" words



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  • the starter of an empire, usually the first emperor of an empire.

    Last edited on Aug 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 25 2024.

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Emperor Rectumus Tightest meaning tightass.


  • I am suggesting a new phrase related to tightass. We could call it Emperor Rectumus Tightest. It is an interesting phrase.

    Last edited on Aug 01 2023. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 01 2023.

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empty (one's) bowels


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  • To kill something, especially murder. "Tony got pissed off at Big Al's bullshit and ended him."

    Last edited on Apr 01 2015. Submitted by panic oasis from Burbank, CA, USA on Apr 01 2015.

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  • In mountain biking, when the rider is thrown forward over the handlebars as the result of a collision.
    I did an endo on that last run.

    Last edited on Sep 04 1998. Submitted by Jeff S. from Northport, ME, USA on Sep 04 1998.

  • marijuana.
    Rollin down tha street smokin indo sippin on gin and juice.
    • See more words with the same meaning: marijuana.

    Last edited on Jan 18 2003. Submitted by richard h. from Berkeley, CA, USA on Jan 18 2003.

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end of the line


  • the last part of something.

    Citation from "Let 'Em Eat Cake", Arrested Development (TV), Season 1 Episode 22 (2004) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 18 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18 2016.

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