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Browsing page 22 of "E" words


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  • Stupid/common sense

    When one of the lads say something stupid or dont cop on to something your trying to spell out.

    Why did you do that? Eeeeerrrrrrr
    When browner say something stupid. Eeeeeeeerrrrrrrr.

    Last edited on May 11 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on May 11 2020.


  • something that is not good.

    There is that girl Destiny we don't like. Errr.

    Last edited on Jan 05 2013. Submitted by Nica on Jan 05 2013.

  • To express discomfort or feeling awkward with a situation or moment. Compare with uh.

    "Wow, you really are cute- errr, I didn't mean it like that. Wait no, I don't mean you aren't cute, I just meant... you are attractive I just don't like you in that way- errr, I mean you're likeable of course I just don't- y'know... actually nevermind. Anyways, you were saying?"

    Last edited on Aug 27 2015. Submitted by Anon from Washington, DC, USA on Aug 27 2015.

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