The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 64 of "G" words



  • When a woman has an orgasm. Compare to: female ejaculation, Orgasmic, or Hard Nutt. For example: (Quoting Rakim) She thought I was a donut, she tried to [Glaze] me. Origin of slang word is New York City by The God MC - Raking known as The R.

    Last edited on Jul 24 2019. Submitted by Jaye-Supreme on Jul 24 2019.

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  • the act of spraying saliva in the manner described in other definitions.
    Nice gleek.
    • See more words with the same meaning: to spit.

    Last edited on Nov 12 2010. Submitted by Bob, M. from Millersville, PA, USA on Aug 02 2005.

  • a fan of the TV program Glee.

    Citation from "Viewing Party", The Office (TV, 2010), Season 7 Episode 8 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Nov 12 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Nov 12 2010.

verb - intransitive

  • to spit by using a saliva gland located under the tongue, causing a stream or particles of saliva to squirt out.
    I don't like it when you gleek on me, it's really gross!
    • See more words with the same meaning: to spit.

    Last edited on Apr 24 2011. Submitted by Justine L from Saskatchewan, Canada on May 28 2002.

  • to spit by pushing one's tongue against one's lower front teeth, causing a stream or particles of saliva to squirt out.
    • See more words with the same meaning: to spit.

    Last edited on Apr 24 2011. Submitted by Riki B. on Apr 24 2004.

verb - transitive

  • to shoplift or steal.

    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Jul 22 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 18 2012.

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  • Glimmer

    (noun) : Glimmer: a glamorous swimmer; usually of female persuasion and often times swimming whilst refraining from getting her hair wet and continuing to wear sunglasses.

    Last edited on Jul 14 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 14 2015.

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  • On fire; specifically the slow burning of a lit cigarette.

    Last edited on Jul 28 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 28 2016.


  • glamorous swimming; usually done by females and often times whilst refraining from getting one's hair wet and continuing to wear sunglasses.

    Last edited on Nov 09 2017. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 14 2015.

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  • "Good Lookin' Mom" Originted by Oscar Farley while coaching Pony Baseball in Suffolk, VA to replace the more vulgar acronym "MILF"

    Last edited on Dec 06 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 06 2016.

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