The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 84 of "G" words

go nuts


  • to do something enthusiastically. Often used to grant permission to a request, synonymous with e.g. "Be my guest." or "Knock yourself out."
    Person A: Anyone want that last piece of pizza?

    Person B: Not me. Go nuts.
    I told my brother to go nuts, so he went nuts.

    Last edited on May 02 2013. Submitted by Jay C. from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Feb 12 2003.

  • to go crazy.

    Citation from "Pilot", Alphas (TV), Season 1 Episode 1 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 25 2011. Submitted by Jay C. from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Feb 12 2003.

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  • a dork.
    She's acting like such a goob.

    Last edited on Oct 24 1999. Submitted by Betsey from USA on Oct 24 1999.


  • In the freestyle Frisbee world, "goob" is a noun or verb meaning marijuana. "Hey, dude, got any goob?" or "Wanna goob?"

    Synonyms: all the ones pertaining to marijuana or smoking it. First heard the term at a freestyle tournament approx. 20-25 yrs. ago & many times since.

    Last edited on Feb 23 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23 2015.

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goob wad


  • Another word for dork.
    That guy is acting like a goob wad.

    Last edited on Jan 16 2005. Submitted by Trey A. from Murfreesboro, TN, USA on Jan 16 2005.

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  • Used mostly by surfers to ask who's good.
    Who's gooch?

    Last edited on Jun 25 2010. Submitted by Aaron P. from Long Beach, CA, USA on Jan 31 2000.


  • the perineum.
    You shave your gooch?
    • See more words with the same meaning: perineum.

    Last edited on Jun 25 2010. Submitted by ty and mark on Dec 07 2002.

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