The Online Slang Dictionary
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  • People call their loved ones like that oh my skataball. Not knowning that what they are saying to them is my little ugly creature, skataball comes from a norweign name meaning ugly creature it is said that people from norway would tell their kids that they would call the skataball. And he would eat all the kids that were bad and it is said that he is the uglyest scariest creature on earth and that if you were to see him you would die or laugh to death.

    Last edited on Feb 04 2015. Submitted by N.Munchkin on Feb 04 2015.

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  • n. a drinking bout.

    He's off on another threee-day-skate.

    Last edited on Jan 26 2012. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 26 2012.

  • n.a drankard .

    A couple of skates celebrating the new year ran into my car.

    Last edited on Jan 26 2012. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 26 2012.

  • n. something really easy.

    The test was a skate!

    Last edited on Jan 26 2012. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 26 2012.

  • in. to get drunk.

    Let's go out and skate, otay?

    Last edited on Jan 26 2012. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 26 2012.

verb - intransitive

  • to leave.
    Let's skate.

    Last edited on May 06 1998. Submitted by Brian Ruzicka from Eau Claire, WI, USA on May 06 1998.

  • to escape responsibility for a criminal act.
    He was facing life in prison but skated on a technicality.

    Last edited on Jul 01 2008. Submitted by Harold Z. from Pleasanton, CA, USA on Jul 01 2008.

verb - transitive

  • to steal.
    He skated her from me.
    He skated my place in line.
    • See more words with the same meaning: to steal.

    Last edited on Feb 05 2005. Submitted by Joseph S. from Encino, Los Angeles, CA, USA on Feb 05 2005.

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  • one eighth of an ounce of marijuana. From "eight" + "skater". Also sk8r or sk8er.
    That skater you hooked me up with was a little light, bro.

    Last edited on May 18 2011. Submitted by Andrew from San Francisco, CA, USA on Sep 09 2002.

  • someone who skateboards

    Last edited on Jan 05 2005. Submitted by Joe on Jan 05 2005.

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skate rocks

  • means fuck off plain and simple it replaces f-off of F-You

    "if you don't like what I say then skate rocks" "If you don't like what I say then you can skate rocks" both are good uses, the first example could be F-You or F-off the second implies F-off, and is more the origin of the phrase, as you can see, it is like saying 'suck lemons' as, skateboarding in gravel, or rocks, is NOT fun so, you can 'skate rocks' or you can 'suck lemons' are similar. they can stand alone, as just F-Off = F-You and don't need to be so grammatically correct as, you can skate rocks, or you should skate rocks

    Last edited on Feb 03 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 03 2010.

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skater skank

  • a skater who is mean to people who aren't considered skaters (especially "posers"). The word is only used by non-skaters.
    He is so mean to everyone! He's such a skater skank.

    Last edited on May 18 2011. Submitted by Joe on Jan 05 2005.

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    It looks like somebody loogrd on your skates.

    Last edited on Jan 26 2012. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 26 2012.

noun - plural

  • shoes

    Last edited on Jul 31 2010. Submitted by Greg E. from Baton Rouge, LA, USA on Apr 20 1998.

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  • unkempt, dirty.
    That torn shirt makes you look so skazzy.

    Last edited on May 18 2011. Submitted by Will S. from Huntington Beach, CA, USA on Jan 13 2000.

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  • generally displeasing. Primarily a St. Louis, MO, USA term.
    His shoes were skeet.
    Your mum's house is skeet.

    Last edited on May 21 2013. Submitted by Heather F. from St Louis, MO, USA on Apr 16 1998.

  • displeasing due to being insufficient.
    Man, my best friend gave me a skeet present for my birthday.
    I'll have a slaw burger fries and and a bottle of skeet, bring it on out to my baby and me.

    Last edited on Jan 04 2019. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 04 2003.


  • Skeet is a type of poker hand -- what's known as a freak hand -- a non-standard hand. It is generally considered an unpaired hand with three cards including the 2, 7, and 9 and three cards in between. For example, 2,3,4,7, 9 would be a Skeet; so would 2,3,7,8,9. It ranks above three of a kind and below a straight.

    Last edited on Jan 31 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31 2013.

  • a look. England slang.
    I'll take a skeet at it.

    Last edited on Apr 06 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 06 2013.

noun - uncountable

  • semen.
    I just turned on this black light and there is skeet everywhere!
    Skeet, skeet, skeet!" -Dave Chappell Show.

    Last edited on Mar 13 2018. Submitted by Ryan from Diamond Bar, CA, USA on Dec 30 2004.

verb - intransitive

  • to ejaculate. Popularized by Lil' Jon's recording "Get Low".
    Skeet skeet!
    I skeeted on her.
    I'll skeet on you!
    Mate, I'll skeet on your nan's teeth.

    Citation from "And We Danced" (song), Macklemore censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on May 21 2013. Submitted by Gwyn S. from IL, USA on Apr 16 2004.

verb - transitive

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