The Online Slang Dictionary
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septic tank

  • Cockney rhyming slang meaning American i.e. septic tank - yank. Used by character Joe Mangle in the Australian soap opera Neighbors circa 1993.
    He's a septic tank, don't talk to him.

    Last edited on Jan 12 2013. Submitted by Andy from Maidenhead, Windsor and Maidenhead, UK on Aug 21 1997.


  • American. Can be reduced to "septic". Originally it was derogative in meaning and comes (probably) from the English (particularly Cockney) fondness for rhyming slang. As all Americans (including Southerners) have been referred to as Yanks by the British for years, so this is a rhyme derived from that. Nowadays, it is often used matter-of-factly, without any thought to the implied derision. Whether or not it is used as an insult depends entirely upon the way the speaker says it. At the London branch of an American bank, imagine the British employees saying:
    The septics were over last week.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Matthew R. from Blackpool, United Kingdom on May 31 2004.

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  • the peaceful feeling that comes with watching a sunset.

    Last edited on Jun 10 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 10 2024.

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Sergeant Schultz defense

  • The defendant claims to know nothing of the crime or violation for which he's in trouble. From the old TV series, "Hogan's Heroes," where the prison camp guard, Sgt. Schultz, upon learning of some prank or escape the POWs were planning, would say, "I know nussink!"

    Last edited on Oct 06 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 06 2015.

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  • A person who is like everyone else, as if produced in mass quantity. AKA mirror face, sim, normie.

    "Why are they looking at us like we're freaks?" "Ignore them. they're just serials."

    Last edited on Jul 17 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17 2011.

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serious as a heart attack


  • very serious.
    Person A: Are you serious?

    Person B: Serious as a heart attack.
    Person A: Is the problem serious?

    Person B: Serious as a heart attack.



    Citation from "Chapter 12", Eastbound & Down (TV), Season 2 Episode 6 (2010) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Dec 20 2011. Submitted by Ralph M. from Charlotte, NC, USA on Jan 25 2002.

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  • To look good.
    I was serving at the party.

    Last edited on Feb 01 2003. Submitted by Asia W. from Washington, DC, USA on Feb 01 2003.

  • to lose something and become offended.
    You just got served sucka!

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Nick H. from Baldwinsville, NY, USA on Nov 21 2004.

  • to beat someone in a dance-off or dance competition

    Last edited on Feb 07 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 07 2010.

noun - plural

  • To make a pass at something.
    Serve the ball or nake that serve.

    Last edited on Feb 08 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 08 2015.


  • to have sex with; "give it up". Usually used for a girl having sex with a guy and not vice-versa.
    Did you hear she's going to serve him Friday night?

    Last edited on Apr 06 2014. Submitted by Beth from Knoxville, TN, USA on Jan 25 2000.

  • on the receiving end of an insult; bested in an exchange of insults.
    You got served!

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Sophie S. from New York, NY, USA on Sep 26 2004.

  • to insult someone or to shut them down
    You just got served!

    Last edited on Feb 02 2006. Submitted by Susan P. on Feb 02 2006.

  • To "serve somebody up" refers to "serving someone up on a silver platter". Southern England UK, London; to beat somebody up very badly. (to make mince meat out of them)

    Last edited on Jul 26 2021. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 26 2021.

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service man


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service with a smile

noun - uncountable

  • oral sex.
    I gave some service with a smile last night.
    I got some service with a smile last night.

    Last edited on Jul 04 2014. Submitted by Kellaman, D. from MI, USA on May 01 2004.

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