The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 47 of "S" words

set of lungs

  • breasts.
    Look at the set of lungs on her.

    Last edited on Apr 24 2011. Submitted by Cyrus on Jan 17 2000.

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Set pass


  • Set pass. Make a move. Nigerian (port Harcourt) street slang Eg mak I set one pass, set new pass, coined by members of the Vikings frat. Imitating the captain of a ship setting up his compass to the correct direction before setting sailing

    Last edited on Apr 01 2022. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 01 2022.

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set up

verb - transitive

  • to arrange a meeting between two people in the aim of starting a romantic relationship.

    Citation from "Four Little Words", American Dad! (TV), Season 2 Episode 15 (2007) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 17 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17 2016.

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set up shop


  • to set up one's workplace. At a job, for example: to set up one's desk in a cubicle farm. In education, for example: at a desk in the library.

    Citation from "School Lies", American Dad (TV), Season 6 Episode 14 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 26 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 26 2011.

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  • This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Abbreviation of the convenience store name, "7-Eleven".
    I'm going to Sev, anyone want anything?

    Last edited on Aug 02 2011. Submitted by Sonja from Denver, CO, USA on Jan 06 2005.

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