The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 64 of "W" words


  • penis
    Don't be silly, wrap your willy.

    Last edited on Apr 07 2007. Submitted by HotHoney from Florida, USA on Apr 07 2007.


  • penis
    Stop clutching your willy, it's disgusting.
    • See more words with the same meaning: penis.

    Last edited on Feb 13 2006. Submitted by Robbie G. from Stroud, Hampshire, UK on Feb 13 2006.

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Willy Lunchmeat

  • Someone telling you something that you you can't believe. (Who do you think I am Willy Lunchmeat?)
    I am a King.

    Last edited on Sep 14 2021. Submitted by Nikkipoo on Sep 14 2021.

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willy nilly


  • to proceed without a plan or carry on aimlessly.

    Citation from "3 Women", Life (TV, 2009), Season 2 Episode 18 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Nov 29 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on May 14 2010.

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  • lacking physical prowess or stamina.


    Citation from "Notapusy", Arrested Development (TV, 2005), Season 3 Episode 4 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by JC C. on Nov 08 2006.

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wimp out


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  • a good thing. Contrast with fail.

    Citation from "3 eye tracking studies that influenced my latest redesign", personal blog, Brian Cray censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Citation from "Epic Win", Slate, Christopher Beam, Oct 15 2008 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Apr 14 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 28 2009.

  • a success.

    Citation from reddit comment by user katidfcb censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jun 29 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on May 20 2010.

  • an advantage.

    Citation from The Algorithm Design Manual, Skiena, 2008 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Dec 31 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Dec 31 2011.

noun - uncountable

  • some amount of a good thing. Contrast with fail.
    There was so much win in that video.

    Last edited on Oct 22 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 22 2010.

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noun - uncountable

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