The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 61 of "W" words

wiener wake up

  • to wake a friend and significant other by dancing naked and yelling.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Nicholas L. on Aug 01 2005.

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  • A girlfriend who does your laundry, cooks for you, etc..
    I wanna get me a wifey.

    Last edited on Jan 13 1999. Submitted by Eugene from New York, NY, USA on Jan 13 1999.

  • a man's girlfriend, or even actual wife.
    I wanna go cuddle up with my wifey.

    Last edited on Apr 26 2013. Submitted by Anonymous from Brooklyn, NY, USA on Jan 19 2000.

  • potential wife.
    That's my wifey.

    Last edited on Oct 16 2001. Submitted by Brian from Arlington, TX, USA on Oct 16 2001.

  • affectionate term for a female who "wife-material" or has the potential to be one's wife.

    Last edited on Feb 14 2006. Submitted by Nitzia on Feb 14 2006.

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  • A daughter of oneself's first wife

    Last edited on Jun 09 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 09 2024.

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  • A child of oneself's first wife

    Last edited on Jun 09 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 09 2024.

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  • a high five between people who aren't in the same location, and therefore can't make physical contact. Rather, the high five is mimed.

    Last edited on May 22 2013. Submitted by Corey Stinnett from Dayton, OH 45459, USA on May 07 2012.

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  • Wifoc

    Acronyms - w***ing in front of the computer.

    Example: hey babe, I'm Wifoc, wanna see?

    Last edited on Jul 23 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 23 2015.

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  • Head.
    He got a big Wig!

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Bob K. from Pittsburgh, PA, USA on Feb 09 2000.

  • your head.
    Get your wig blown off .

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Joe from Los Angeles, CA, USA on May 24 2002.

  • A joking term for hair.
    I made an appointment at the salon to get my wig done.

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Nikki from Inglewood, CA, USA on Aug 27 2002.

  • something crazy.
    The Family Guy program is a real wig.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 08 2013.


  • to react emotionally to a stimulus.

    Last edited on Apr 22 2006. Submitted by Shelly C. from Michigan, USA on Apr 22 2006.

verb - intransitive

  • flipped out, overreacted, became upset.
    I wigged when I realized I overslept and missed my class!

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Betsy M. from Columbia, MO, USA on Nov 04 1999.

  • Leaving or trying to get away.
    You were definitely wiggin' man!
    Are you wiggin?
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Sarah from Virginia, USA on Feb 24 2000.

  • To freak out, act strange.
    She was wiggin'!

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Jen M. from North Carolina, USA on Oct 22 2001.

  • To be high on Ecstasy (MDMA). Ecstasy makes your eyes flutter or wiggle.
    Girl, you wiggin'?

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Karissa on Jun 20 2002.

  • Can also refer to the feeling of euphoria from the drug Ecstasy (MDMA).
    I'm wiggin' my ass off tonight.

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Tom H. from Austin, TX, USA on Jul 31 2005.

  • freaked out, nervous or upset
    Stop wiggin' out over it!

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Tom H. from Austin, TX, USA on Jul 31 2005.

  • Under the influence of Ecstasy (MDMA).

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 05 2005.

  • Odd behavior resulting from the use of mind-altering drugs

    Last edited on Apr 08 2013. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 11 2009.

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