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  • A usenet term for someone whose postings are not worth reading and who should therefore be added to your 'killfile' so as to avoid reading their messages in the future.
    You PLONK the PLONKER into your killfile.

    Last edited on Jun 16 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 27 2014.


  • literally penis, but used as a derogatory term or an idiot. Also often used affectionately. British origin. Popularized by U.K. sitcom 'Only Fools and Horses'.



    Citation from "Saved", Lie To Me (TV), Season 3 Episode 10 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Aug 14 2013. Submitted by Lissa J. from Mid W, Apache Junction, AZ 85220, USA on Jan 22 2000.

  • an absent-minded, or naive person.
    You thought the Rolex he was selling you out of his suitcase in New York for $20 was real, because he told you it was? You plonker, Rodney!

    Last edited on May 31 2004. Submitted by Matthew R. from Blackpool, United Kingdom on May 31 2004.

  • a person prone to making mistakes.

    Last edited on Mar 08 2014. Submitted by Roz M. on Feb 23 2007.

  • an accident-prone or stupid person.

    Last edited on Mar 08 2014. Submitted by Roz M. on Feb 23 2007.

  • Plonker means 'Person with Little Or No Knowledge'. Originally used by male police officers when females were first taken into service. They were designated Woman Police Constable or WPC, which nicely allowed the pejorative W-plonk, referring to the new intake's supposed ignorance of police procedure.

    Last edited on Mar 08 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 08 2014.

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  • a really smart person.
    I'm going to copy off of that Poindexter sitting over there. He answers every question correctly during discussions.

    Last edited on Feb 15 1999. Submitted by Leah A. from Ohio University, USA on Feb 15 1999.

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