The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 28 of "R" words


  • "cops" that have only a flashlight.

    Last edited on Jul 22 2003. Submitted by kyle M. on Jul 22 2003.

  • a security guard or other hired security.

    Last edited on Dec 22 2004. Submitted by Steve H. from Pahrump, NV, USA on Dec 22 2004.

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  • when someone "loans" their car to another in exchange for crack-cocaine.
    John admitted to the police he was driving a Rent-A-Rock when he hit the mailbox. That led the police to inquire if he sold crack.

    Last edited on Dec 06 2007. Submitted by Anonymous from New Orleans, LA 70118, USA on Dec 06 2007.

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rent space in (one's) head


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  • a sexually skilled man with a frequent and varied sex life. Compare with plumber and service man

    Citation from ''Boiler Repair Man'', Annatartywife, Literotica censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on May 15 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on May 15 2015.

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  • a personal trainer who does not know what they are doing or isn't very good. They are not real personal trainers but rather people who count repetitions of an exercise. The best example of a rep-counter is a trainer who places their clients on a series of machines, demonstrates the form for the machine and then proceeds to count reps. Since most people are capable of reading the printed directions on the machine so this activity is not really personal training but rather "rep-counting."
    Man that personal trainer is making all the good personal trainers look bad! They just put their clients on machines and just sit there watching, what a rep-counter!

    Last edited on Apr 26 2017. Submitted by Dustin W. from Bowling Green, OH, USA on Nov 16 2008.

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  • sudden or subitaneous, especially deceptively such. Slightly more formal than sudden.

    Possesses an adverbial form, repentinely.

    From Latin repentnus "sudden, repentine," based on rp "creep, crawl."

    Last edited on Jul 02 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 02 2024.

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verb - transitive

  • to "repossess".
    Mike got his car re-poed.

    Citation from "Failure is Not a Factory-Installed Option", American Dad! (TV), Season 2 Episode 3 (2006) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Mar 02 2013. Submitted by J.K from OH, USA on Mar 05 2000.

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