The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 66 of "S" words

shit a brick

  • Couldn't believe it, or make a big deal.
    When I saw them together, I shit a brick.
    Mom done shit a brick over this!
    If she catches me she will shit a brick!

    Last edited on Apr 17 2013. Submitted by John S. from Missouri, USA on Jun 21 1999.

  • v. to freak out; go crazy; get extremely upset.
    It's not that bad, don't shit a brick!
    When Chasey dumped him, he almost shit a brick!

    Last edited on Jan 20 2003. Submitted by Steven W. from South Euclid, OH, USA on Jan 20 2003.

  • To have an unusually large bowel movement.

    "Man, I just shit a brick."

    Last edited on Oct 27 2009. Submitted by Pazuzu from Minneapolis, MN, USA on Oct 27 2009.


  • to react with extreme emotion; "freak out"; "have a fit".
    She's going to shit a brick when she finds out about this.

    Last edited on Mar 11 2013. Submitted by Morgan D. from Seattle, WA, USA on Aug 30 2003.

  • to react with extreme distress.
    When your mom finds out, she's going to shit a brick .

    Last edited on May 15 2004. Submitted by Melissa G. from Medway, Ohio, USA on May 15 2004.

  • to have a difficult bowel movement, e.g. due to constipation.

    Last edited on Oct 19 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 18 2012.

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shit a cold purple Twinkie


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  • "shit". From the shitake variety of mushroom.
    Oh shitake, I'm late!
    No shitake!
    • See more words with the same meaning: feces.

    Last edited on Oct 27 2011. Submitted by Emily M. from UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA on Feb 29 2000.

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shit all over


  • to severely criticize.

    Citation from "Subway / Pamela", Louie (TV), Season 2 Episode 6 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Citation from "Oh Louie / Tickets", Louie (TV), Season 2 Episode 7 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Oct 27 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 27 2011.

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  • defiant or bratty. Usually used by a parent acknowledging bad behavior or actions by a kid.
    You're being a shitass!
    Dad: Johnny come here!

    Johnny: <runs away laughing>

    Dad: Get over here, you shitass.

    Last edited on May 05 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on May 04 2013.

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  • a person who is lazy, good for nothing, incompetent, or have little regard for the law. Used in military circles. In more elite units, "shit-bags" or those who become "shit-bags" are usually transferred or kicked out of the military within a few months.
    Private Snuffy is just a shit-bag.

    Last edited on Oct 19 2013. Submitted by Will J. on Mar 10 1999.

  • "dumb ass"; "jack ass".
    You fucking shit-bag.

    Last edited on Oct 19 2013. Submitted by killa from New York, NY, USA on Oct 07 2002.

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shit ball


  • exclamation of surprise or surprised anger.
    Oh shit ball! I'm going to be late!

    Last edited on Dec 30 2015. Submitted by Breanna on Dec 14 1999.

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