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Browsing page 45 of "P" words

pimp stick


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pimp tight


  • cool.
    That's pimp tight.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Gary C. from Indiana, USA on Sep 02 1998.

  • Cool, hip, sharp. Also p tight.
    That outfit is P-tight.

    Last edited on Nov 29 2010. Submitted by KJ from Indianapolis, IN, USA on Feb 21 1999.

  • extremely cool or hip; also used as a comparison between something that already is cool
    Your new video iPod is pimp tight.
    His ride is tight, but your's is pimp tight.

    Last edited on Mar 16 2007. Submitted by Houston, T. on Mar 16 2007.

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pinch a grogan

  • Expel an unusually large bowel movement.
    I gotta go pinch a grogan.

    Last edited on Jan 06 2000. Submitted by Xander J. from Cambridge, MA, USA on Jan 06 2000.

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  • under the influence of marijuana or other drugs; "stoned". Referring to squinted eyes.

    Last edited on Jun 21 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 20 2013.


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pinch hitter


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