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Definition of fuck you

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'acronyms (list of)':

Definitions include: "hate".
Definitions include: acronym for "I love you."
Definitions include: acronym for "Google is your friend".
Definitions include: acronym for "mother I would like [to] fuck".
Definitions include: acronym for "bowel movement."
Definitions include: acronym for "in case you missed it".
Definitions include: acronym for "Jesus Fucking Christ".
Definitions include: acronym for "you are not a lawyer."
Definitions include: acronym for "just fucking do it".
Definitions include: a word that has come to be an acronym (or is viewed by some as an acronym) when it was not originally an acronym.
Definitions include: acronym for "cover your ass."
Definitions include: acronym for "funny looking kid", an insult used by doctors in the UK on medical charts.
Definitions include: a "syndrome" involving a company's hesitance or refusal to use any idea or product it didn't invent or create.
Definitions include: "bridge and tunnel".
Definitions include: acronym for "link goes to".

Other terms relating to 'exclamations (list of)':

Definitions include: a general curse.
Definitions include: "anyhow"; "anyway"; "anyways".
Definitions include: used to convey surprise, disgust, or doubt.
Definitions include: "Jesus Christ and God almighty."
Definitions include: suffix used for emphasis or flourish.
Definitions include: exclamation of disgust.
Definitions include: as a question, to enquire whether someone is present.
Definitions include: yes; "bingo".
Definitions include: exclamation used upon sight of an attractive person.
Definitions include: exclamation used when impressed.
Definitions include: "good looking out".
Definitions include: exclamation of unhappiness.
Definitions include: expression of disappointment.
Definitions include: acronym for "Oh my God", a general-purpose exclamation.
Definitions include: "no".

Other terms relating to 'retorts and taunts (list of)':

Definitions include: acronym for "fuck off and die".
Definitions include: sardonic retort to "No shit, Sherlock!"
Definitions include: general insulting retort.
Definitions include: a dismissive retort; "screw off".
Definitions include: an angry retort; "bite me".
Definitions include: insulting retort.
Definitions include: acronym of "go fuck yourself."
Definitions include: retort used to indicate displeasure with someone's lack of help.
Definitions include: an angry retort.
Definitions include: a comeback used in an argument when one can't think of anything better to say.
Definitions include: acronym for "shut the fuck up".
Definitions include: general insult / disparaging remark.
Definitions include: "go fuck (one's self)".
Definitions include: angry retort.
Definitions include: acronym for "lick my pussy".

Other terms relating to 'sex, sexual intercourse':

Definitions include: to have sex with someone, any type of sexual intercourse.
Definitions include: to have sex.
Definitions include: offensive speech about another person.
Definitions include: to have heterosexual, vaginal intercourse.
Definitions include: to have sexual intercourse with a woman.
Definitions include: sex in which an overweight participant's fat jiggles.
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: sexual activity.
Definitions include: secret or incriminating.
Definitions include: quick sex.
Definitions include: the act of having sex in all kinds of places, e.g. on the counter, on the stairs, on the washer.
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: to be willing to have sex.
Definitions include: to have sexual intercourse.
Definitions include: to succeed.

Other terms relating to 'to lie':

Definitions include: of misdeeds or misfortune, to minimize their severity.
Definitions include: any deceptions or tricks designed to confuse or manipulate a person.
Definitions include: the bending of truth for the sake of art.
Definitions include: to give bad advice.
Definitions include: to lie to; deceive.
Definitions include: to anger.
Definitions include: to take a quote out of context in order to make it present a point of view that isn't compatible with the original quote.
Definitions include: to jokingly deceive.
Definitions include: to make unfounded or exaggerated remarks or claims.
Definitions include: related to immorality or illegality.
Definitions include: lying or prone to lying.
Definitions include: to lie.
Definitions include: to delay in getting to the point.
Definitions include: to pretend to be someone else.
Definitions include: Most uses of "shit" also work with "crap", except where noted below.

Other terms relating to 'to take advantage of, cheat, trick':

Definitions include: to duplicate.
Definitions include: to take advantage of.
Definitions include: to tease, trick, deceive.
Definitions include: to defraud; "swindle".
Definitions include: to take advantage of a wealthy provider.
Definitions include: to trick a person into doing something that like a good idea but will end in disaster.
Definitions include: a mean person; "jerk"; "asshole".
Definitions include: a female who is in a relationship only for illegal powdered drugs (e.g. cocaine,) which is often stored in a small bag.
Definitions include: greatly under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Definitions include: A juvenile who goes and does petty pranks and jokes in the neighborhood.
Definitions include: to give someone something unexpected.
Definitions include: to kid.
Definitions include: to fail to meet someone at a designated location.
Definitions include: a male talented in attracting females.
Definitions include: to rely on others for things one wants or needs, especially food, shelter, etc.

Other terms relating to 'uncool person, jerk, asshole (general insults - list of)':

Definitions include: Not an insult necessarily.
Definitions include: a general insult; "jerk", "asshole".
Definitions include: the anus.
Definitions include: a general insulting form of address for a person.
Definitions include: derogatory term for a female
Definitions include: to show interest in a member of the opposite sex by flirting or trying to be noticed.
Definitions include: an "un-cool" person; "loser".
Definitions include: loser, unsuccessful person.
Definitions include: to vomit.
Definitions include: a person who is acting stupidly.
Definitions include: to engage in an activity which is inherently wasteful (particularly when one is at work) and for which there isn't any tangible compensation or reward, other than one's own mental stimulation.
Definitions include: actions or behavior consistent with being an asshole.
Definitions include: very common spelling of choad.
Definitions include: a general insult.
Definitions include: a bad person.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'fuck':

Definitions include: "fuck you".
Definitions include: absolutely.
Definitions include: very absolutely.
Definitions include: acronym of "all fucked up."
Definitions include: meaning caring about everything.
Definitions include: acronym of "adios mother fucker."
Definitions include: an intensifier.
Definitions include: 1. To be highly intoxicated on drugs and/or alcohol
Definitions include: a person who is stupid or doing something dumb.
Definitions include: acronym for "bad-ass mother fucker".
Definitions include: "Get ready for some serious trouble."
Definitions include: acronym of "big fucking deal."
Definitions include: acronym for Butt-Fuck, Egypt.
Definitions include: a bitch-ass motherfucker.
Definitions include: to over-think something, well beyond what is needed; to consider and reconsider and reconsider again often leading to an inability to make a decision.

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Link to this slang definition

To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following.

<a href="">fuck you</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ fuck you]

Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation.