- pimp
- pimpalicious
- pimped out
- pimperistic
- pimpette
- pimp in da hoochie momma car
- pimping
- pimp it
- pimp it up
- pimp juice
- pimpmobile
- pimp mobile
- pimp (one's) ride
- pimp out
- pimp slap
- pimp steak
- pimp stick
- pimptacular
- pimptastic
- pimp tight
- pinch
- pinch a grogan
- pinch a loaf
- pinched
- pinch hitter
- pinchie
- pinch one off
- pin-cushion
- pineapple
- piney
- ping
- pinhead
- pink
- pink canoe
- Pinkie
- pinko
- pink palace
- pink sausage wallet
- pink slip
- pink sock
- pink sticky
- pink taco
- pink, the
- pink tractor beam
- pink velvet sausage wallet
- pinner
- pin (one's) ears back
- pins
- pin the rap on
- Pinto
- pint of piss
- pint-sized
- pip
- pipe
- pipe down
- pipe-head
- pipes
- pip pip
- pipsqueak
- pip, the
- pirate
- pish
- pish pash
- pish posh
- pispcus
- piss
- pissa
- piss and moan
- pissant
- piss-ant
- piss around
- piss around with
- piss ass drunk
- piss away
- pissed
- pissed off
- pissed-offedness
- pisser
- pissered than hell
- piss-fart
- piss flaps
- piss for shits and giggles
- pisshead
- piss ice water
- pissing contest
- piss in the wind
- pissivity
- piss like a race horse
- piss like a Russian race horse at the Kentucky Derby
- piss off
- piss on
- piss (one's) money up the wall
- piss (one's self)
- piss on it
- piss out of (one's) ass
- piss-poor
- piss razors
- piss taking
- piss-tank
- pisstivity
- pissy
- pissy stick
- pit
- pit bull
- pitch
- pitch a bitch
- pitch a log
- pitch a tent
- pitcher
- pitch in
- pits, the
- pit stop
- pitted out
- pity party
- pity whore
- pixie dust
- pizza
- pizza-face
- pizza profitable
- Pizza Slut
- pizza tower
- pizzazz
- pizzle
- pizzo
- PJ
- PJs, the
- pk
- place
- place it
- Plain Jane
- plake
- plan b
- planet Wrong
- plank
- planking
- plant
- plant one on
- plarn
- plastered
- plastic
- plastics
- play
- playa playa from the himalaya
- play around
- play ball
- playboy
- play cat and mouse
- play couch camando
- play devil's advocate
- play DJ on (one's) VJ
- play doctor
- played out
- player
- playerette
- player hate
- player hater
- play footsie
- playgirl
- play grab ass
- play hardball
- play hide the salami
- play hookie
- play hooky
- play it cool
- play it like that
- play keys
- play lighthouse
- play lion and lion tamer
- play little Dutch boy
- play my face
- play (one) stupid
- play out
- play pocket pinball
- play pocket pool
- play second fiddle
- play the dozens
- play the field
- play the game
- play the purple oboe
- play the skin flute
- play with a full deck
- play with a full deck of cards
- play with fire
- play with knives
- play with Mr. Hanky
- play with (one's) head
- play with (one's self)
- please
- please believe it
- pleased as pie
- pleather
- plebe
- plonker
- plop a squat
- plot crowbar
- plow
- plowed
- plox
- pls
- pluck
- plucked
- pluck (one's) twanger
- plug
- plug and chug
- plug and pray
- plugged into
- plug hole
- plug out
- plug through
- plum
- plumber
- plumber's crack
- plumb forget
- plumbing
- plumbing leak
- plumpkin
- plum smugglers
- plumth
- plunk (one's) twanger
- plurala
- plurale
- pluralo
- plus one
- Pluto
- plz
- PM
- PMITA prison
- PMSy
- p-noid
- po
- po-9
- poach
- pocket pool
- pocket rocket
- pockets on deck
- po'd
- p-o'd
- podcast
- podger
- podunk
- poe-poe
- poetic edda, the
- POETS day
- po folk
- pog
- pogey
- pogo
- Poindexter
- Poinky
- point
- Point Blank Period
- point guard
- point of no return
- point Percy at the porcelain
- pointy-haired
- pointy-haired boss
- poison
- poke
- poke a bear
- poke in the brown eye
- poke out
- poker face
- poke smot
- poke the bear
- pokey, the
- pokie
- poki games
- poking at the halo
- pol
- polaroid
- pole
- Polecan
- pole milk
- poleslaw
- pole smoker
- police
- Poli Sci
- polished
- polish off
- polish (one's) knob
- polish (one's) pearl
- polish the family jewels
- polish the pearl
- polish the pewter
- polish up
- politico
- Politiporn
- polluted
- pollyanna positive
- polyg
- polygon tent
- pom
- po man
- pomer
- Pommy
- ponce
- pond, the
- pone
- pong
- pony
- ponyride
- pony up
- Ponzi scheme
- poo
- poobutt
- poo cat
- pooch
- pooched
- poocher
- pooey
- poof
- Poofter
- poogling
- pookie
- pool shark
- poom
- poon
- poonami
- poonaner
- poonani
- poonanie
- poonj
- poonjab
- poontang
- poon tang pie
- poontank
- poop
- poop and scoop
- poop butt
- poop chute
- Poop dick
- pooped
- pooper
- poophead
- poopie
- pooping
- poop on you, then.
- poo-poo
- poo-pooed
- poo-poo on you
- poop out
- poop shoot
- poopsicle
- Poop stick
- Poop toy
- poopy
- poopy-pants
- poor
- poorcore
- poor sport
- poot
- pootang
- poo tang
- pooter
- pootie tang
- pooty
- pooty poo
- pooty tang
- poove
- pop
- pop a cap
- pop a cap in (one's) ass
- pop a chub
- pop a chubby
- pop a load off
- pop a squat
- pop bottles
- popcorn fart
- popcorn hoe
- popcorn titties
- pop Cris
- pop in
- popo
- po po
- pop off
- pop (one's) cherry
- pop (one's self)
- po po's, the
- popo, the
- po-po, the
- pop out
- poppa
- popper
- popping fresh
- poppycock
- pop rocks
- pops
- pop slag
- pop tart
- pop the question
- popullution
- porcelain
- porcelain bus
- porcelain god, the
- porcelain throne
- porcelain throne, the
- porcupine
- pore over
- porgy bait
- pork
- porkage
- porkchop
- porker
- porkies
- pork pie
- pork sword
- porn
- porn bat
- pornbot
- porn face
- Pornhuba
- Pornhubm
- porno
- Pornoed
- porro
- posbound
- poseebs
- poser
- poseur
- posh
- posho
- posiconno
- posse
- posside
- possum moon
- post
- posta
- postal
- postarrhea
- postbribe
- postcardware
- postdoc
- posted
- posted up
- posted up like a thumb tack
- postenvy
- postenvympt
- posterboy for yuck
- postgluttony
- postgluttonympt
- postgreed